Mosquito Meander

Mosquito Meander fun run 5k
10:00 am
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Start at: Pioneer Park's east gate (formerly Alaskaland)(Airport Way & Peger Road)
Finish: In Pioneer Park (new route this year).

Only late registration at the event is still available.
Saturday from 8:45am - 9:45am at Pioneer Park (race day)

Cost WITH late fee of $5 is: $20.00/adult registration w/t-shirt $15.00 Youth (under 12) w/youth size t-shirt
This is a very fun easy 5k for the family. You're welcome to walk, run, bike, skate, skip, or whatever you'd like to get to the finish. Bring the whole family out for this one, oh...and maybe an umbrella. Ugg.

Free kids' tennis

Kids Free Tennis Fairbanks Tennis Association

Dan Ramras Community Tennis courts (behind Mary Siah)

Continues for each Saturday in June.

Grades K-2 is from10-11 am

Grades 3-12 from 10-12.

Register when you bring your child.

Track and Field Games

Alyeska Track & Field Games
June 9th, 2007
10:00 A.M.
West Valley High School Track
Open to all kids born between 1994 and 2001
T-shirts available for the first 500 registrants
Sorry, there was registration until June 7th, and I'm not sure if you can just show up and participate. My guess is you's just a guess, I'm not familiar with the Games. Good Luck!

TOTE Family Fun Fest

TOTE Family Fun Fest

Sunday June 10 2007

Noon to 4pm

Under the big top tent at the UAF Museum of the North

$5 adults

$3 youth ages 7-17

Free for kids under 6!!

The family fun fest is always a fun-filled day of crafts and cool hands-on science projects. Visit the museum while you're up on the hill.

Activities: Discover dinosaurs

Design your own beadwork

Build a plant press

Be a migrating salmon (this one is a poplar fun game with lots of laughing and silliness)

Explore the museum in a scavenger hunt

Learn Eskimo dancing with the Pavva Inupiaq Dancers

Create your own museum art

Investigate insects

Dissect owl pellets

Take your photo with UAF mascot "bear" NANOOK!

474-7505 for more info.